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Flooring Products


Metallic Surface
Hardening Compound

SAMHARD® consists of special hard-wearing aggregates which have been selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear-resistance as well as shape and size.


25 kgs in HDPE bag












Non-toxic, non-flammable

•  To be applied in two application stages. SAMHARD® is evenly broadcast onto the concrete surface when the material becomes uniformly dark by absorption of moisture from the concrete. Thereafter the first application can be floated.
After floating, immediately SAMHARD® is again thrown evenly over the surface. Once moisture is absorbed, the surface can be floated in the same way as before.
• A metallic compound, yet it is non-rusting.
• Hard wearing aggregates provide properties of abrasion and wear-resistant hard surface.
• Provides a dense, non-porous surface.
• Forms monolithic bond with base concrete.
• Resistant to oils and greases.
• Industrial areas subjected to heaviest traffic like loading bays, trucking lanes, car parks, workshops, machine shops, ramps and spillways etc.
• Industrial flooring in areas like breweries, food processing, dairies, tanneries, power stations, chemical refineries, metal plating, aircraft hangers, hospitals, laboratories etc.
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Flooring Products


Monolithic Surface Hardening Compound

SAMHARD® STD consists of special hard-wearing aggregates which have been selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear-resistance as well as shape and size.


25 kgs in HDPE bag









Grey, light grey, terracotta, brown, Black, bottle green etc.



Non-toxic, non-flammable

It is applied in two application stages.
  • SAMHARD® STD is evenly broadcast onto the concrete surface when the material becomes uniformly dark by absorption of moisture from the concrete. Thereafter the first application can be floated.
  • After floating, immediately SAMHARD® STD is again thrown evenly over the surface. Once moisture is absorbed, the surface can be floated in the same way as before.
  • Final finishing of the floor using blades of a power float can be carried-out when the floor has stiffened sufficiently.
• Abrasion-resistance is approximately three times that of normal concrete.
• Hard-wearing aggregates provide properties of abrasion and wear-resistant hard surface.
• Provides a dense, non-porous surface.
• Forms monolithic bond with base concrete.
• Resistant to oils and greases.
• Gives dust-proof non-slippery surface.
  • Industrial areas subjected to heaviest traffic like loading bays, trucking lanes, car parks, workshops, machine shops, ramps and spillways etc.
  • Industrial flooring in areas like breweries, food processing, dairies, tanneries, power stations, chemical refineries, metal plating, air craft hangers, hospitals, laboratories etc.
Samseal CJ
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Samseal CJ
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Flooring Products


Construction Joint Sealing Products

SAMSEAL® CJ is an epoxy-based chemical-resistant flexible sealing product available in liquid form as SAMSEAL® CJ Part I and SAMSEAL® CJ Part II.


1 kg and 8 kg



Part I : Liquid

Part II : Liquid






White, grey

  • Mix required quantities of SAMSEAL® CJ Part I and SAMSEAL® CJ Part II in equal proportion and mix till it becomes homogenous.
  • Fill the resultant liquid into the dry gaps or dry surfaces where required. Use the mix immediately as it sets to a hard mass within about 60 minutes.
• Provides excellent resistance to a wide range of industrial chemicals
• Sealed membrane is flexible and hard with excellent adhesion to all types of metal and cement-based surface
• Sealed membrane is flexible and hard-wearing, hygienic and yet attractive in cosmetic finish
• Holding the glass window, filling gaps between frame and wall etc.
• Sealing of construction joints in RCC members