Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMZINC® EP is a two pack zinc-rich anti-corrosive epoxy primer for ferrous metal structures. It is based on epoxy-resin and the cured product possesses excellent anti-corrosive and adhesive properties. The cured film consists of about 90% metallic zinc, which gives sacrificial protection to the ferrous metal in the event of break occuring in the film. SAMZINC® EP is delivered in pre-measured proportions of base and hardener. It replaces ordinary zinc-rich coating product, hot-dip galvanising and metal spraying and gives first class protection to the metal substrate.
1 kg (Part I: 0.750 kg + Part II: 0.250 kg)
Part 1: Liquid
Part 2: Liquid
Silver, grey
Non-flammable Use gloves, goggles and protective clothing’s.
•SAMZINC® EP must be applied directly to ferrous metal structures and there must be intimate contact between the base metal and the particles of zinc. The ferrous metal must therefore be rigorously cleaned before application commences.
• The best method is to shot-blast the surface or rotary wire brushes and chipping hammers can be used. Flame cleaning can also be efficient, provided the primer is applied to the metal upto 4 hrs after cleaning whilst the metal itself is still warm.
• The two components must be thoroughly mixed together ensuring the zinc particles are completely dispersed.
• Porous concrete or mortar may require two coats of the primer.
• The mixed SAMZINC® EP is brushed onto the clean metal surface, ensuring there is a continuous film formation. Particular care must be taken to welds and joints. Where welding is to take place on top of the primer, the weld must be thoroughly wire brushed to remove slag and excess flux before applying a further coat.
• The high chemical-resistance and adhesion of epoxy resin combined with the sacrificial protection obtained from zinc particles provides a priming coat suitable for application to ferrous metal surfaces under conditions of severe corrosion.
• It is used as a primer for chemical resistant surface based on polyurethane, epoxy and chlorinated rubber resins.
• Steel structures, leg supports and structural framework exposed to corrosive atmosphere.
• Pipelines, ducts, pipe racks etc. to provide protection against corrosive atmosphere.
• Structural members (like beams, columns), machinery foundations etc. exposed to corrosive atmosphere
• Structural steelwork, chemical processing plants, machinery, internal and external tank surfaces and all iron and steel structures where long term protection is essential.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMPRIME® 2 is an Epoxy-based chemical resistant concrete surface primer coating available in two liquid components as SAMPRIME® 2 Part 1 and SAMPRIME® 2 Part 2.
7.5 kg (Part I: 5.0 kg + Part II: 2.5 kg)
Part 1: Liquid
Part 2: Liquid
Use gloves & goggles
• Add the entire contents of the hardener to the base and mix until an even color is obtained.
• SAMPRIME® 2 to be immediately applied in a thin continuous film using stiff brushes/rollers
• Porous concrete or mortar may require two coats of SAMPRIME® 2
• Provides excellent bonding in between base substrate and epoxy coating / screed.
• Coating film is thin but flexible with excellent adhesion to concrete, mortar and screed.
• Eliminates porous in concrete surface.
• For strong bonding between concrete and epoxy coating / screed.
• For better sealing of concrete screed surface.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMPRIME® 2S is an epoxy resin-based solvent-free chemical-resistant concrete surface primer available in two liquid components as SAMPRIME® 2S Part-I and SAMPRIME® 2S Part-II.
7.5 kg (Part I: 5.0 kg + Part II: 2.5 kg)
Part 1: Liquid
Part 2: Liquid
Use gloves & goggles
• Add the entire contents of the hardener to the base and mix until an even color is obtained.
• It should be immediately applied in a thin continuous film using stiff brushes / rollers.
• Porous concrete or mortar may require two coats of the primer.
• Provides excellent bonding in between base substrate and epoxy coating / screed.
• Coating film is thin but flexible with excellent adhesion to concrete, mortar and screed.
• Coating film eliminates porous in concrete surface.
• For strong bonding between concrete and epoxy coat / screed.
• For better sealing of concrete screed surface.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMFLOR® EP 3/5 is a three-part solvent-free combination of epoxy resin, modified amine hardener filled with specially graded and selected high crushing strength fillers.
It is a durable chemical and abrasion-resistant screed of approximately 3.0 / 5.0mm thickness.
16.610-kg (Part I: 1.720 kg + Part II: 0.590 kg + Part III: 14.3 kg)
Part I: Liquid
Part II: Liquid (modified amine hardener)
Part III: Aggregates
Epoxy-resin (solvent-free)
Grey, pink, brick-red etc
Use gloves, goggles
• All surfaces to be treated with SAMFLOR® EP 3/5 should be primed with a solvent-based epoxy primer SAMPRIME 2.
• Allow the solvent to evaporate until primer has become tacky.
•SAMFLOR® EP 3/5 is mixed correctly and dry blended for 2-3 minutes in a suitable forced action mixer.
• Pour entire contents of hardener into the base container. Mix thoroughly until it becomes homogenous
• Add aggregates slowly to the mixer of base and hardener
• Mix for 2-3 minutes until all components are thoroughly blended.
• Spread mixed SAMFLOR® EP 3/5 to a uniform thickness on the primed surface using either garden rake or edge or a steel trowel
• Material should be tamped with a wooden float to ensure complete compaction
• Final finish should be given using steel trowel.
• Material must be applied within pot life after mixing.
• Provides exceptional resistance to abrasion and a wide range of chemicals and increased durability at a low maintenance cost.
• Gives good gripping surface to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
• No interference with existing levels as 3.0 / 5.0mm thickness is required.
• Heavy engineering plants, chemical and process areas.
• Steel work, dairies, breweries, oil refineries, paint workshops, battery rooms, plating factories.
• Effluent storage tanks, manhole chambers along effluent line, wash area in chemical and pharmaceutical industry
• Loading / unloading bays of LPG, petroleum and chemical terminals of sea port and railway yards.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMFLOR® EP2 is a special blend of selected solvent-free epoxy resins, curing agents and graded inert aggregates which, when mixed, provides a self-leveling floor topping product with unique laying properties. It’s a 3-component product.
15-kg (Part I: 4.412 kg + Part II: 1.764 kg + Part III: 8.824 kg)
Part I: Liquid
Part II: Liquid
Part III: Graded inert aggregates
Epoxy resin
Grey, ivory, red, green
Use gloves, goggles
• Prepared substrates should be primed with SAMPRIME® 2 before treating with SAMFLOR® EP2.
• Mix Part I & Part II in a vessel. Mix until an even colour is obtained.
• Finally, slowly add Part III as supplied and mix for further 3-5 minutes until it is homogenous.
• SAMFLOR® EP2 is ready to pour onto the primed substrate and spread to the required thickness with a steel trowel.
• Self-levelling formulation provides dust-free, seamless surface which is extremely easy to clean.
• Good abrasion resistance and withstands foot and light vehicular traffic.
• Gives a very attractive floor finish.
• Resists many industrial chemicals.
• Ideal for industrial or commercial locations where a hard-wearing hygienic, dust-free environment is important.
• Hospital clean rooms
• Electronics assembly plants
• Switch gear plant-floors
• Office suites, laboratories, show-rooms etc
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMFLOR® EP is an epoxy resin based chemical resistant coating available in two liquid components as SAMFLOR® EP Part I and Part II.
15-kg (Part I: 11.1-kg + Part II: 3.9-kg)
Part I: Liquid
Part II: Liquid
Specific gravity
1.2 at 25°C
Grey, Golden Yellow, Green Clear, Off-White
Use gloves protective clothing goggles
• Stir SAMFLOR® EP Part I & II individually to ensure that no solids settle at bottom of packing containers
• Pour SAMFLOR® EP Part II into SAMFLOR® EP Part I and stir gently.
• Apply the prepared mix on the substrate surface with a standard paint brush to get a dry film thickness of around 100 microns or as required
• For under plate grouting, the gap between the perimeter form work and the plate edge should not exceed 150 mm on the pouring side and 50 mm on the opposite side.
• Provides excellent chemical resistance to a wide range of industrial chemicals and gases.
• Coating film is hard but flexible with excellent adhesion to all types of metal and cement based surfaces.
• Coating film can be modified to be non-slip
• Coating film is hard wearing, hygienic and yet attractive in cosmetic finish.
• Provides dust-free and jointless coating.
• Can be used as a sealer coat on heavy duty epoxy floor screeds, provided epoxy screed is at least three days old.
• Production assembly areas, workshops, dairies, soft drinks production, bottling plant, breweries, kitchens, showrooms
• Hospital, hotel and studio floors
• Pharmaceuticals and chemicals factory working floors
• Computer room floor
• Air craft hanger areas
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMCOAT® EP is an epoxy resin-based chemical and abrasion-resistant coating product available in two liquid components as SAMCOAT® EP Part I and Part II.
15-kg (Part I: 11.1-kg + Part II: 3.9-kg)
Product Type
Part I: Liquid
Part II: Liquid
Specific gravity
1.2 at 25°C
Grey, golden yellow, green, clear, off-white
Use gloves, protective clothing & goggles.
• Stir SAMCOAT® EP Part I & II individually to ensure no solids settle at bottom of containers.
• Pour SAMCOAT® EP Part II into SAMCOAT® EP Part I and stir gently.
• Apply the prepared mix on the substrate surface with a standard paint-brush to get a dry film thickness of around 100 microns or as required.
• Provides excellent chemical-resistance to a wide range of industrial chemicals and gases.
• Coating film is hard but flexible with excellent adhesion to all types of metal and cement based surfaces.
• Coating film can be modified to be non-slip.
• Coating film is hard wearing, hygienic and yet attractive in cosmetic finish.
• Provides dust-free and jointless coatings.
• Can be used as a sealer on heavy duty epoxy screeds, provided epoxy screed is at least three days old.
• Steel structures, leg supports and structural framework exposed to corrosive atmosphere
• Pipelines, ducts, pipe racks etc. to provide protection against corrosive atmosphere
• Structural members (like beams, columns), RCC working platforms, machinery foundations etc.
exposed to corrosive atmosphere.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMCOAT® EPT is tar modified with selected epoxy-resin. It provides black coloured semi-gloss film for protection of all types of exposed, immersed ferrous metal surfaces. It is supplied as a two pack system (Part I – Base) and (Part II – Hardener) in pre-measured quantities. They need only mixing before use.
15-kg (Part I: 11.1-kg + Part II: 3.9-kg)
Part I: Liquid (base)
Part II: Liquid (hardener)
Use gloves, protective clothing & goggles.
• Stir SAMCOAT® EPT Part I & II individually to ensure that no solids settle at bottom of packing containers
• Pour SAMCOAT® EPT Part II into SAMCOAT® EPT Part I and stir gently.
• Apply the prepared mix on the substrate surface with a standard paint brush.
• A chemical and abrasion-resistant product.
• Provides long-term protection from corrosion.
• No priming is required.
• High film builds up in single coat.
• Economical and versatile.
• Gives tough bonding
• It is most suitable particularly in Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Works, Docks and Harbour installations.
• It is used as high quality protective coating for metal structures against corrosion from aggressive condition.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMCRETE® EP is a solvent-free epoxy resin-based product available in three components as SAMCRETE® EP Part I, Part II & Part III, and is designed for free-flow non-shrink grouting of gap from 25mm to 70mm.
16-kg (Part I: 2.895 kg + Part II: 0.370 kg + Part III: 12.735 kg)
Part I: Liquid (base)
Part II: Liquid (hardener)
Part III: Powder (filler)
Dark brown
Wear goggles and gloves.
• Pour entire contents of hardener into base container.
• Mix until it becomes homogenous.
• Pour the mix into a force-action mixer.
• Add the filler and mix for 2-3 minutes until a uniform color is achieved.
• Gives high flexural strength and adhesion with substrate and ensures excellent performance under dynamic operating conditions.
• Provides rapid installation and strength gain.
• Minimum creep enables early commissioning of plant.
• Useful where mechanical properties resistant to a wide range of chemicals, acids and alkalies are required.
• Resistant to water and frost.
• Support beneath crane and transporter rails.
• High speed turbines, centrifuges, drop forges etc.
• Reciprocating machinery and other operating or test equipment subject to heavy dynamic or mobile loads.
Epoxy Products for Screeding Floor,
Wall Coating and Grouting
SAMMOR® EM is a blend of silica aggregates bonded together with epoxy- resin, and designed for speedy and permanent repair to concrete. It’s a solvent-free mortar available in three components
16.0 kg (Part I: 2.895 kg + Part II: 0.370 kg + Part III: 12.735 kg)
Part I: Liquid (base)
Part II: Liquid (hardener)
Part III: Powder (filler)
Use gloves, protective clothing & goggles